What is Oak Forest Rotary About?
Making the World a Better Place

We are community leaders and business leaders committed to service, volunteerism, and fun! While each Rotary Club is autonomous and focuses on the areas of humanitarianism the club has passion for, our club at Oak Forest Rotary focuses much on YOUTH SERVICE and empowering FUTURE LEADERS, helping with issues of HOMELESSNESS and FOOD INSECURITY, and BLOOD DRIVES to save lives. Locally, we support SHP, Sleep in Heavenly Peace that ensures no kid sleeps on the floor in our town, Food4Kids Backpack Program, providing supplemental nutrition to some of our youngest kids dealing with food insecurity, and several leadership opportunities and scholarships for teens. We also support a coat drive for homeless veterans and run four blood drives each year. Internationally, we support the mission of Shelter Box, providing emergency shelter and supplies to people faced with natural disasters.