18th Annual Free Pancake Breakfast Blood Draw Program
The Oak Forest Rotary Club
17th Annual Free Pancake Breakfast/Blood Drive
Sunday February 13th, 2011
Today’s 50/50 Raffle and any donations go to the OF Rotary Club’s College Scholarship Fund for high school seniors
Great Free Breakfast and Free Entertainment:
Oak Forest High School Cafeteria 8:00 AM-1:15PM
8:00 Oak Forest High School- Jazz Ensemble,
Nicholas Rojek BandDirector
9:00 Oak Forest High School- Choir Ensemble,
Victor Pazik Choir Director
9:30 Fieldcrest Chorus, Akilah Watts Director
10:00 Oak Forest Park District-Momentum DanceForce,
Jennifer Foss Director
10:40 G. Kerkstra and Lee R. Foster School-
Grade 4/5 Choir, Director Amy Stanfield
11:10 Jack Hille Middle School Jazz Band, and Hille Woodwind Ensemble Mr. Steve Nendza, Director
11:50 “Pockets the Clown” Magic Show
12:15 Legacy Dance Ensemble Jacqueline Spreadbury Artistic Director
A Face Painter and Balloon Clown will also be available for the children
The annual Oak Forest Rotary February Blood Drive will be held from 8-1:30pm Contact Rotarian Jim Watson at 708-687-7026 for an appointment. The Bremen High School and Oak Forest High School Interact Club students will be assisting at the breakfast and Blood Draw, The Clubs are sponsored by the OFRC. J Keane revised jkeane99@gmail.com 1-30-11 #3