2011 Rotary Raffle is set!
The Rotary raffle for 2011 has been scheduled for Thursday, November 17, 2011 starting at 7pm. As in the past the event will be held at Oak Forest's Gaelic Park. There will be 8 cash prizes awarded with the grand prize being $15,000 in cash. The odds of winning are 1 in 63. Rotarian Pauly points out, "you just can't beat those odds. If you gamble at cards, visit the boat or buy an occasional lottery ticket, your odds of winning are much worse!"
Tickets are available from any Oak Froest Rotarian or you can just CLICK HERE to send an email to the club and request tickets be mailed to you. Let us know your name, phone number, mailing address and how many tickets you want mailed. We promise to get them in the mail to you ASAP!
As always, proceeds from the Rotary raffle are used to help those less fortunate in our community and around the world.