Original article published: https://patch.com/illinois/oakforest/amp/27847933/dave-king-to-open-local-chapter-of-sleep-in-heavenly-peace-2019
Dave King to Open Local Chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace 2019
Dave King has a mission, no child sleeps on the floor in Oak Forest. His local chapter of the Nonprofit Sleep in Heavenly Peace coming 2019.
By Melanie Gangolf |
It is hard to think about any child sleeping on the floor, but when you realize it is happening right here in Oak Forest, it really hits home. This is the experience that Dave King had. Dave is the owner of 4 Paws Playhouse which is a cage free boarding and doggie daycare service here in Oak Forest and through an innocent conversation with a friend, he found out that a child was sleeping on the floor, right here in Oak Forest.
His heart sank. He felt the need to do something and started researching. He found the non-profit Sleep in Heavenly Peace whose mission is that "No child Sleeps on the Floor in our Town". The non-profit has 127 chapters in 39 states. Dave realized that there was no chapter in this area and he went to work to change that.
In the past year, his chapter has become official and he has flown out to Sleep in Heavenly Peace headquarters in order to be trained on all the ins and outs of this wonderful mission. His chapter here in Oak Forest, will open in 2019. This non profit, builds and delivers a bed complete with a mattress, sheets, pillows and comforter to those children in need. Everything supplied is new and made for that child or children in mind.
It is a huge undertaking because this organization actually builds the beds in order to keep costs down and supply beds to as many children in need possible. They do a "Build" every 6-8 weeks and that is when everything comes together and the beds are actually build. This entails getting funding from corporate sponsors, organizing donation of supplies including tools, wood, materials and space, and coordinating volunteers for all the work that needs to be done.
The SHP Oak Forest Chapter has already begun to receive requests for beds here in Oak Forest. Dave King feels that he is up for the challenge and knows that Oak Forest will rally around him for this worth while cause. So what can you do, you are probably wondering. You can get involved on a few levels.
- Monetary Donations or Fundraiser Assistance from individuals or corporate sponsorship.
- Donating (New)Tools, Supplies, Pillows, Bedding or Building Materials.
- Providing Discounts on (New)Tools, Supplies, Pillows, Bedding or Building Materials.
- Become part of a committee-They are organizing now! Go to the Facebook Page!
- Providing a Build Location for our heavily publicized “Build Days” in your parking lot or warehouse. Must have access to restrooms, parking, 8-110v circuits and may get a little dusty if we cut the wood onsite.
- Bring your own Crew of Volunteers to assist us on a particularly scheduled and supervised Sponsor Build Day.
- Bring your team out and work together on a Corporate Sponsored Build Day to make a difference in the lives of local children while using the exposure as additional advertising for your company or organization.
- Assist with the actual delivery of the bunk beds! This can be a private and very emotional time for the families and we ask this be completed with as minimal of a volunteer presence as possible.
The SHP Oak Forest Chapter has already planned its first fund raiser so come out and support this great cause. It will be held on February 9th at 6-9pm at Gaelic Park and more details will be coming so mark your calendars and don't forget to go the the SHP Oak Forest Local Chapter Facebook page and like it so you will get all the updates. You can go to the Facebook page for more information or to contact the group. To contact Dave directly, you can find him on Facebook at Dave King. You can ask questions, leave a message and find out how to donate.