Rotary Christmas Wish
Bonds of Rotary Between Us
Let us take a moment to remember all the religions represented in the Rotary family through out the world. Let us also recall that when we were invited to join our Rotary clubs we were not asked, “Are you a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Jew, a Buddhist, or a Sikh?”
We were not asked because all religions are welcome in the Rotary family. Please join me in a moment of reflection and thanks:
With our friends beside us,
And no person beneath us,
With the bonds of Rotary between us,
And our worries behind us,
With our goals before us,
And no task beyond us,
With a thirst for knowledge,
And a dream of a Polio-free world,
We are thankful for our Rotary friends and the time we are about to share.
Thank You, Shalom, Amen.
Chris Offer, Past Governor 5040