Say it ain't so Sheri
Posted by Thomas Halwax
on Apr 03, 2012
Grilling meat is an inherently dumb thing to do. Here's why: Cooking animal flesh over a hot open flame triggers a series of chemical reactions that yield a meal loaded with carcinogens. Cancer-causing compounds known as heterocyclic amines can form, particularly when cooking animal flesh over high heat, which is common when barbecueing. These chemicals-the same chemicals that are found in......

- Go Meatless (yeah, that will happen). Evidence shows grilled vegetables do not make HCA's, (cancer chemicals).
- Turn Down The Heat.
- Turn the meat often. Frequent flipping prevents the meat from reaching those high temperatures.
- Try New Ingredients. Cherries, prunes, apples, elderberries, pineapple, garlic, vitamin E and rosemary are some of the ingredients that significantly reduce HCA's.
- Marinade any Meat Before Grilling. However, avoid high sugar and especially fructose-sweetened marinades as they may triple HCA production. The simplest marinade: red wine, which may reduce HCA's on chicken breasts by 88 percent.
- Go Skinless. Removing poultry skin cuts risk of prostate recurrence by half, so it's probably a good idea for all.
- Choose the right side dishes. Choose side dishes that include any of these foods: green tea, black and rooibos (red) tea, red wine, blueberries, blackberries, red grapes, kiwi, watermelon, parsley and spinach greens.
- Eat Cruciferous vegetables (who?). Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and other members of cruciferous family contain a chemical called sulforaphane that appears to neutralize HCA's cancer-causing action.
So that's it. I certainly learned something, especially about marinades. The bottom line for anyone who wants to cook meat on the grill is simple; make sure to marinate all meats before cooking. When cooking ground beef, knead in herbs and/or vitamin E. Stick with skinless chicken. Always accompany BBQ meat with a yogurt dish and a little alcohol, preferably stout ale. Don't forget to grill some vegetables to accompany your meat. doc
Full article in June 2011 (Jacob Schor, ND)