International Service Committee
International Service

* Sponsorship of outbound high school students to Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
* Sponsorship of inbound students from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Columbia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
* Donation of $10,000 through fund raising for Polio Plus to vaccinate children worldwide.
* Sponsorship of well water construction in Third World Countries.
* Donation of $500 to the Homewood Rotary Club's medical mission to South America.
* Donation of $1,500 to a wheelchair bank in Brazil.
* Partnership with Heifer International through donation of $2,000 to purchase two water buffalos for a family in rural Asia and two heifers for a rural family in Southeastern U.S.
* Annual sponsorship of Oak Forest and Bremen High School students at the Whitewater International World Affairs Conference in Madison, Wisconsin for cultural purposes and exchange of international ideas.
* Donation of $30,237.37 since 1975 to the Rotary Foundation and Rotary International, which supports humanitarian causes all over the world, with our club achieving amongst its membership 32 Paul Harris Fellows, members who have donated mor that $1,000 each.